How You Can Use EstiMate 2 To Increase Your Income By 400%

Are you concerned about the economy? Is business slowing down? A recession is a scary time for all businesses, and often it is hard to see the forest for the trees when making business decisions in a difficult economic climate.

At a time like this, it’s absolutely critical to be working with the best tools you possibly can to squeeze every ounce of profit out of each job that comes your way. Estimate 2 offers you extremely powerful features that allow you to identify the type of work you do that’s most profitable, and focus on that in your marketing.

You see, here’s a secret: when you do less of your low profit work and more of your high profit work, you make more money effortlessly and automatically. Estimate 2 gives you the tools you need to identify this type of work and give it your full attention.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you use EstiMate 2 to price a 4′x8′ Coroplast sign with simple vinyl graphics, and the profits on the job come out to about $53 (see screen shot below).  When you add up the times you get about 1.25 hours combined for design and production time, or a profit rate of about $42.40 per hour.


Compare the above example with a job for 1000 full color inkjet printed decals, laminated, at 3″x5″ trimmed to a rectangular shape.  The total job here sounds better – it bills at $338 compared to the $146 that the coroplast job billed at – but comparatively you took a bath!  Your profits on this job are just $41 for 4 hours of work, or $10 per hour.


Remember, it’s not what you get, it’s what you keep that matters — and EstiMate 2 gives you the tools to identify profit opportunities like this one in SECONDS, not the hours it would take to figure this stuff out by hand or by using lesser or “me-too” tools.

This is just one way that EstiMate 2 can make you a fortune and save you massive amounts of time. Stay tuned for more examples!

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